Discover My World of Coding Adventures!

Hey there! I'm John Paul, and I thrive in the realm of code. Join me on a journey through some of my most exciting GitHub projects. From dynamic web apps to data wizardry, Jupyter notebooks, interactive crime data visualisation, and even flood forecasting, it's all here.

  • Jupyter Code Llama Project

    Step into the world of Jupyter notebooks with the Jupyter Code Llama Project. Explore my data analysis and coding skills as I work on various projects using Jupyter notebooks and Python. Get ready to code like a pro!

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  • AIPND Project

    Bringing AI to life with the AIPND Project! Dive into the world of artificial intelligence as I tackle a fascinating project. Explore the code and see how I navigate the complexities of AI and machine learning.

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  • R Shiny NYPD Felonies Project

    Explore crime data like never before with the R Shiny NYPD Felonies Project. This project demonstrates my data analysis and visualization skills using R Shiny. Dive into crime statistics in an interactive way.

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  • Flood Forecasting Project

    Join me on a mission to save lives and properties! The Flood Forecasting Project is my contribution to mitigating flood risks. I've leveraged data analysis and predictive modeling to build a tool that can help forecast potential flood events.

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